• landscapes
  • seascapes
  • heritage
  • adventure
  • explore


I’m not an academic by any means but I have given talks on a couple of subjects to various groups and societies. Both are photography led and with a full commentary that includes as much of the history involved as it does of the adventure.

Take a look at the panels below and the testimonials for more information and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to know more.

'No Time For Tears' - Middle School No. 3, Pripyat, Chernobyl Zone
Weekends away in a nuclear exclusion zone

28 Years Later

In 2013 and 2014 I spent a couple of weekends in the most notorious nuclear exclusion zone on Earth – and it was mesmerising. This hour-long talk will take you through the disaster and the aftermath through photographs of this decaying Soviet time capsule as it was 28 years later.

Hartford Mill demolition - north east full view
Post-war evolution

Disappearing Britain

This 75 minute whistle-stop tour of the state of things documents post-war socio-political changes through the derelict and at-risk buildings and sites left behind, in 180 or so photographs. It’s armchair historian meets urban explorer’s travelogue…

This was a splendid lecture about a very different topic. Your photographs are superb and the background you gave of the Chernobyl disaster was very illuminating and scary. I am sure you could tell it was very well received by everyone.

Blackpool Geographical Association

On '28 Years Later'
A truly fascinating and very different view of Britain. I am sure you could tell that we were all absorbed in the journey in to our past landscapes.

Jenie Phillips, Blackpool GA

On 'Disappearing Britain'.

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